Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Writing Assessment

Writing Assessment

Q Writing Assessment • Points 10 • Submitting a file upload The end goal of the short response question is that students will show their ability to comprehend text. Math may create a response specific to content area. Create a constructed response prompt using the planning and reflection guide from the National Writing Project. Make a copy of this adapted creation/reflection guide. Links to an external site.Have a student write, using that prompt. Then, grade the prompt using the scoring rubric from the GADOE resource Links to an external site.. Submit the creation/reflection guide, the prompt along with the student writing, the scored rubric with an explanation as to why you scored the piece the way you did.

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A. Information about the class a. Grade level: 8 b. Subject area: English Literature c. Any special descriptors of students: N/A B. Background information about the assignment a. Title of the assignment: Theme of “Revenge” in “Frankenstein”. b. Length of the assignment: 300 Words C. Yes, this assignment was assigned to students as “final project” of their literature class, after ending of 1st semester program. D. Students were allowed to write and submit only 1 draft.